Getting Help When You Feel Low

3 Reasons to Have Relationship Counselling

If you aren't happy in your relationship, then you can book some counselling sessions for you and your partner. Talking to an independent therapist or counsellor could be really useful for both of you at this stage in your lives. When might counselling help your relationship?

1. You Have Trust Issues

Trust issues cause serious divisions and problems in a relationship. For example, if one partner is unfaithful, then the other partner might find it impossible to trust them again.

Even if both partners want to carry on with the relationship, this becomes much harder after infidelity. Once trust is lost, a relationship isn't on solid ground. If you find yourself in this situation, then you might already realise that you can't fix your trust problems on your own.

A counsellor can help you both come to terms with what happened. They give you both a safe space to voice your anger, concerns and regrets. They can help you work out if your relationship is salvageable and, if it is, how you can both move forward and bring trust back into your relationship.

2. You Can't Communicate Without Arguing

Relationships only really work if you have good forms of communication. You might not always agree with your partner, and they might not always agree with you. However, you should be able to work things through if you communicate effectively.

However, this isn't always easy. Sometimes, couples discover that they can't communicate effectively quite early on in a relationship. Other times, life changes might close down your lines of communication. You might argue every time you disagree about something.

Relationship counselling can look at how you communicate as a couple. It can show you areas you can work on and help you work out strategies to reduce arguments and improve the ways you connect with each other.

3. You Don't Know if Your Relationship Will Last

Sometimes, you might not be sure if your relationship is going to work in the long term. You might feel stuck in a rut. Or, you might feel that you and your partner are drifting apart.

This is often a difficult position to be in. You might love your partner dearly. Neither of you wants to end the relationship; however, one or both of you isn't completely happy.

A counsellor can help you find out whether your relationship has a future. Sometimes, you simply need to learn how to reconnect with each other. Or, you might need to make some changes to get back on track.

To get started, contact local relationship counselling services and book an introductory session.